A big raise in distance on a tricky trail. I coped but with the expected fall off in form, speed and focus in the last 4km
I took this on 17.5 km after being well rested. I will need a couple of days at least to recover but I'm pleased to report no injury or adverse signs.
It's a couple of hours after this run and I realise that I won't get away with it that easily!! I put myself to bed after re-hyrating and taking a bowl of homemade soup. I slept an hour and got up. I found the old legs to be stiff as boards, strangely troublesome behind and below the knee around the top of the calf...feels like ligaments.
Anyway, nowt too bothersome; I will recover tomorrow, I may take a bike ride as a 'loosener'.
Other news, the bad sort, from the UK. After a promising return over the last 3 or 4 weeks George is in trouble. It appears that he has some discomfort in the lower to bottom calf: not for the first time. This really is disappointing. Fortunately the entries aren't in for The Nottingham Half Marathon. I suggested holding off; there are numerous races throught The Midlands this autumn. I'd rather not add any pressure to his return and hope that with some rest and massage George will come back to us.
Meanwhile I and Marty will keep up the mileage.
I have no news from Dubai regarding Dave's running other that his life-style and profession keeps him in good shape. I know his wife to be an active runner and would hope to have some reports in to brighten our pages with UAE sunshine and Dubai beach runs..
It's time for a post from our treadmill expert I feel...
I'm keen to hear the story of what motivates someone to put in, I believe to be true, 30 miles a week running on the spot! What tricks he has to keep things ticking over...whether he plans to enter a 10km race at some point - for the fun of it!
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